[Rev. Edward Tanner]


(c1829-1888) ( Church of England )

Born c1829 at Peckham, Surrey, England, the son of Benjamin Tanner, gentleman, and his wife Maria, nee Kirkham. Arrived at Melbourne on 24 January 1848 per "Stag" from London, England with Bishop Perry's party. A licensed lay reader at Coburg. Ordained priest on 26 May 1850. Chaplain of Pentridge Gaol (1850-53). Incumbent of St. Thomas', Winchelsea (1854-64). At Kadina, Moonta and Wallaroo, South Australia (1865-66). At All Saint's, Brisbane, Queensland (1866). At St. Mark's, Darling Point, Sydney, N.S.W. (1866-67). Left the ministry and became a sugar-cane farmer. Did occasional duty. At Bowen and Maryborough, Queensland (1873-75). Did not marry. Lived with his sister, Clarissa Maria Tanner. Died on 1 January 1888 at Woongarra Grange, Barolin, Queensland, and was buried on 2 January 1888 at the Bundaberg Cemetery, Qld.

[death certificate; Harmer History of St. Thomas's Church of England, Winchelsea; Reed Anglican Clergymen in South Australia in the Nineteenth Century; Kenneth J. Cable]

Image Source: State Library of Queensland

Melbourne Diocesan Society Anniversary Meeting - 1849

St. Thomas's Church, Winchelsea, Foundation Stone - 1860

Rev. Edward Tanner's Remuneration - 1861

Rev. Edward Tanner - 1862

St. Thomas's Parish, Church Committee Report - 1863

Presentation of a Purse to the Rev. Edward Tanner - 1864

Rev. Tanner's Departure for Camden Harbor - 1864

Farewell Supper for the Rev. Edward Tanner - 1865

80th Birthday Testimonial to the Dean of Melbourne - 1879

The Late Rev. Edward Tanner - 1888

In Memorium - Rev. Edward Tanner - 1888

An Old Volume of the Messenger - 1889

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